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Vinod Sridharan

Vinod Sridharan

Partner Software Engineer @ Microsoft

I am a Partner Software Engineering Architect at Microsoft responsible for the Azure Cosmos DB. I drive low latency, high availability, and performance throughout the Azure Cosmos DB service.

POSETTE 2025 Talk

Designing for Document Databases in PostgreSQL

(Livestream 4)

Document databases have numerous advantages for developers due to their flexibility and ease of use. PostgreSQL is one of the most versatile general-purpose databases with a huge ecosystem and flexibility built-in. Designing document databases goes beyond schema freedom and data type flexibility; it requires considering changes in all layers of the database stack, including query planning, database state, indexes, cursors, and transaction management.

This talk discusses the architectural design choices we took in developing DocumentDB on top of PostgreSQL:

  • How we leveraged PostgreSQL's extensibility to build as an extension on PostgreSQL
  • How we designed database state management and indexes for documents
  • What we're thinking going ahead in terms of leveraging more of PostgreSQL to improve performance of document databases.

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