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Migrating from Oracle to Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Seamlessly

Neeta Goel Sandeep Rajeev

Neeta Goel Neeta Goel Sandeep Rajeev Sandeep Rajeev

Livestream 3

Oracle to PostgreSQL migrations are a compelling trend. And many of you who are migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL in the cloud are doing so to make it easier for AI adoption—and to reduce your licensed software & hence costs. However, migrating databases the traditional way is often slow, complex, and resource-intensive—presenting challenges in schema conversion, data migration, and application remediation.

In this talk you’ll learn how to use the Cloud Migration Cockpit (CMC) Framework to accelerate the migration process by 4x and automate critical phases such as assessment, schema conversion, data migration, and SQL remediation for applications & interfaces—ensuring high accuracy and minimal disruption. Additionally, CMC provides a systematic and efficient approach to manage the entire migration lifecycle, including infrastructure provisioning, testing support, production cutover planning, and eventually going live with PostgreSQL databases.

You’ll also learn from real-world case studies and best practices for seamless Oracle to Azure Database for PostgreSQL migration. Leveraging AI and automation, database migrations that once took 12 months can now be completed in just 12 weeks.

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