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From MongoDB to Postgres: Building an Open Source Standard for Document Databases

Peter Farkas

Peter Farkas Peter Farkas

Livestream 4

MongoDB has become a widely adopted database across industries due to its ease of use, but its shift away from open source and licensing challenges have raised concerns. Running MongoDB also demands additional resources and expertise. Is there a viable alternative? Can we seamlessly migrate MongoDB workloads to Postgres without making application-level changes? And how can MongoDB users continue using their familiar tools and frameworks?

In this talk, we will explore the current state of document databases and the growing need for a new open-source standard. We propose that Postgres should be the backbone for this new standard, offering a robust, flexible, and open alternative. By integrating FerretDB, we'll show how Postgres can handle MongoDB workloads with ease. We’ll also demonstrate how to leverage MongoDB tools to manage your Postgres database as if it were MongoDB.

This approach bridges the gap between Postgres and the MongoDB community, bringing new possibilities for both users and developers while contributing to Postgres's ongoing success.

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